Friday, August 13, 2010

UCTI Debate Open 2010


Last Updated on Monday, 02 August 2010 01:56
Written by Danial Hamzah
Monday, 01 March 2010 17:31


17 - 19 September 2010 in UCTI - Bukit Jalil - Kuala Lumpur

Registration : from 1st - 15th August 2010

Payment and Confirmation : 16th - 31 August 2010


The UCTI Debating Society of Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Innovation (UCTI) is proudly to present the 1st ever UCTI Debate Open with the details below;

Nature of Tournament: This OPEN tournament is open for all debaters from high schools, universities and graduates.

Debate Format: The Open will be in British Parliamentary System (BP). N1 Rule is strictly emphasis. Every team will have to send an adjudicator.

Team Cap: There are No cap, so an institution may send as many teams as they want on a first register first served basis.

Tournament Cap: The tournament can only accommodate 84 teams in which register and make the payment before the assigned date.

Registration Fee: RM 100 per person. (Includes tournament fees, the workshop and foods & beverages) Accommodations is NOT Provided.

Adjudication Core: Andy Hume (Worlds Championship 1997, Cheif Adjudicator of WUDC 2001 and Grandfinalist adjudicator in numerous numbers of International Tournament) He will act as CA for this event. Joining him will be Andrew Gnananantham (Ips) and Sarfaraz Ahmed (Surfi).

Tabulations: We will ensure the best tabulation arranged by our very own software engineer graduate Teh Tian Yan.

Payments: All payments can be made to TEH TIAN YAN - CIMB Account Number: 1255000188201 and transfer receipt are mailed to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Contacts: For further information, you may contact us on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or to mobile 0176765685.

Friday, July 30, 2010

IIUM Debate Open 2010

Garden of Knowledge and Virtue, the International Islamic University Malaysia
will be organizing the IIUM Debate Open 2010!

The tournament will kick off on the August 13th!

Interested? So what are you waiting for?! If you would like to inquire or participate, please send your personal details to now and we'll get back to you asap. :)

Monday, July 5, 2010


On behalf of the *Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) English Debate
Team*, I am very happy to announce the first-ever international BP
tournament to be held in Hong Kong this October 2010.

Below are the 5 Good Reasons for you to come join us:

1. *Good Dates: **23rd to 25th Oct 2010*
Late October in Hong Kong is pleasantly cool at 20 Celsius. You arrive on
22nd Oct, debate 3 rounds on 23rd, party with old and new-found friends,
debate 3 rounds on 24th Oct, more parties or shopping parties, and you end
up in Round 7, gunning for the Quarters, Semi and Grand Final on 25th Oct.
Then you leave, or party or go on to Macau for the *North East Asian Open* *
(NEAO) *, which starts from 29th Oct.

2. *Good Adjudication Core*
Our Chief Adjudicator is *Ms Sharmila Pramanand* of *Ateneo De Manila
University*, The Philippines (Grand Final Judge for Cork Worlds 2009 and Koc
Worlds 2010, DCA for 1st UADC 2010, DCA for Auckland Australs 2010 and Seoul
Australs 2011)

The DCAs are: *Mr Thepparith Senamngern *or* "TJ"* of* Assumption
University, *Thailand (Convenor of Bangkok Worlds 2008, CA for 1st Asian BP
2009, CA for 1st UADC 2010), *Mr Zhengbo* of *Peking University* ( Director
of Debate at Peking University, China, Grand Finalist Judge at the 1st Asian
BP 2009, Breaking Judge at Koc Worlds 2010) and *Mr* *Loke Wing
Fatt*(President of

3. *Good Externalities*

a) Low Registration Fee for Debaters/Adjudicators/Observers at: *USD 25 per

*b*) Cheap* *Hotel Accommodation 5 mins from *HKPU* and the famed *Victoria
The official HK-DO 2010 Hotel is the Bridal Tea House Hotel. P
lease check it out at this website:

Each person, on a twin-sharing basis, will only have to pay HKD$180 or USD$22
per night.

You are free to arrange your own accommodation too.
c) Hong Kong is served by a number of safe, cheap budget airlines, is a
shopping haven, does not need most people to get a visa to be there, is a
hop to other getaway destinations, and, finally, is a safe, fun,
cosmopolitan World City.

4. *Good Start for the Hong Kong Debating Community*
This is Hong Kong's first attempt at hosting an international debating event
although it has, for the last decade, very strong debaters from its six
active debating universities making their mark at the Australs and Worlds.
Hong Kong high schools are also highly competitive at the Worlds Schools
Debating Championships. Your participation will support the beginning of a
new Asian debate hub which is waiting to be born.

For that modest reason, the Tournament Capacity is set at *60 teams*.

Institution cap for each university is set at *3 teams.*

**The *N minus 1 Rule* will be enforced and the usual *WUDC* rules will
apply at the *HK-DO 2010.*

5*. Good Hands at the Deck*

The *HK-DO 2010 Organising Committee* is led by the President of the *English
Debate Team* of *HKPU*, *Ms Jasmine Tam* who will be the Convener. Below is
the full list of the 11 key organisers:

Convener: Jasmine Tam
Deputy Convener: Phoebe So
Tournament Director: Crystal Kwong
Social Director: Giovani Cho
Finance Director: Chelsea Hopkins
Communications Directors: Alice Chen, Joyce Xiang
Accommodations Director: Anson Lam
IT Director: Josh Liang
Catering Director: Willa Wong
Promotion and Publication Director: Esther Chan
Advisor: Loke Wing Fatt

A website will be set up next month to provide more information and to
receive your registration. Meanwhile, please write to the following email
addresses if you have questions for the key organisers:

1. The email account of HKDO 2010 : *

2. Convener: Jasmine Tam's email account:

3, Deputy Convener: Phoebe So's email account:

4. Tournament Director: Crystal Kwong's email account:

An invitation from

Loke Wing Fatt
Advisor, *HK-DO 2010*
President, *SAID*
Those who are interested in participating, please e-mail your personal information to by the 7th of July 2010.
Thank you

Thursday, May 27, 2010

International Humanitarian Law Debate 2010

The UTMARA Debating Society in conjunction with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Law Faculty of Universiti Teknologi MARA is back with the annual ICRC - International Humanitarian Law Debate 2010.

Here are the details of the tourney:

Date : 11th – 13th JUNE 2010 ( Friday – Sunday )
Venue : Science and Technology Tower, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam.
Format : Australs Style
Cap : 50 teams
Institution Cap : 3 teams ( N = 1 )

Adjudication Core :Adiba Shareen (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Msia) – CA
Irzal Kamal (International Islamic University, Msia) – DCA
Dr Chandran (Universiti Malaya, Msia) – DCA

Registration Fees : Category 1 : MYR 150.00 per debater/adjudicator/observer (with Accommodation + Food + Free Tshirt)
Category 2 : MYR 90.00 per debater/adjudicator/observer (with Food + Free Tshirt + without Accommodation)
Payment mode : Cash (Highly Preferred) *Payment shall be made on the registration day, 11th June 2010
Accommodation : Hotel Intekma (3 stars), Shah Alam
Online pre-registration : 12 – 20 May 2010 (Institution, Teams, Adjudicators, Registration Category, Food preferences)
Official registration : 20 – 25 May 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hey ALL!

Taylor's College Debate Club (TCDC) will be having their 3rd GENERAL MEETING!!!

We’re calling out to ALL members especially to those who were unable to attend our previous meetings. Not to mention, we are also welcoming the March intake students to have your experience with the debate club! : )

Here are the details:

DATE: 13th MAY 2010 (THURSDAY)
TIME: 4.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.
VENUE: LT4 Taylor's College (Main Campus)

Agenda :

i. Initiation: Introducing the committee and giving a warm welcome to the March intake.

ii. Getting down to business:
.. Discuss the upcoming events for the year.
.. Discuss the IV (inter-varsity debate competition)
.. Explain departments and tasks for ALL members (which includes YOU!!)

With many more to come!

We do hope that you could come and be part of our " DEBATE FAMILY " as the debate club. So try your best and spare some time to check it out this Thursday…

For any inquiries, you can contact,

Shasi Shekar: 0149302908
Kaveena Maniam: 0123252715
Acacia Leong: 0123202961

Have a nice day and hope to see you there! =)

Acacia Leong,

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


TAYLORS DEBATE WORKSHOP, as one of the various activities planned for 2010 is TCDC's very first initiative in enriching the young minds of individuals with the fundamentals of interactive and representational argumentative skills.
This workshop being led by Mr.Surfy, is one of the most prominent and distinguished speakers known to fellow debators. The event will be :
Held at lecture theatre 5 of TCSJ
From 10 am - 2 pm
On the 24th of April
TAYLORS DEBATE WORKSHOP is open to all members and non-members of TCDC.
FEE : Member : RM 8
Non-member : RM10
Those who are keen to participate, please submit name, age, student ID, course of programme taken and contact number to
Thank you.;)
Cheers, TCDC.


Here is the line up of the new committee!

President : Shashi Shekar Rajan
Vice President : Kaveena Maniam
Secretary : Acacia Leong Pik Kay
Assistant Secretary : Hillary Wee Wei Lee
Treasurer : Daniel Ng Yee Lee
Assistant Treasurer : Tan Han Shen
Publicity Director : Lim Dong Quan
Debate Tech : Osho Manikkam
Committee Member 1 : Gan Chong Yee
Committee Member 2 : Gabriel Kuo Lijin
Committee Member 3 : Shayama Nandhini
Committee Member 4 : Wan Sue Ann
Committee Member 5 : Jeremy Yee